Adamskiiiii's Portfolio

  • UserId: 1
  • Title: Adamskiiiii's Portfolio
  • Url: adamskiiiiis-portfolio
  • Summary: Adamskiiiii's Portfolio
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Linkage here.

Adamskiii (how many i's is it?) sent me a linky to his new portfolio, hosted on his webspace.

The flash site works very well, and shows originality. You'll also spot Adamskiii himself in several different poses, with his 'tache changing many times...

If you're bored, then go 'tek a look', if you're an employer - take a look and employ him, as he's on the 'dole.

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  • Web - The Web, XHTML/CSS/ASP/.NET/SQL/PHP etc.

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Yeah if your really rich and own a massive company...take a look! On another note i played ssx tricky today and Razhel does the commentary and music dj thing... which is nice.


Oh and id like to take this opportunity to give lazlow credit as ive ripped off some basic layout ideas for the site for the work we did at uni, for example used the titles and descriptions from the coding assignments as it saved me time from looking them up myself, so thankyou muchly.


I especially like the part that states you wont make your source code available to the public, as you don't want others using it in their own work. Nice ;)


hehehe ;) some people eh?....


I know. But hey, after spending countless hours slaving away for our lecturers, coding like Indian code monkeys - the last thing you want is your pride and joy, well code, stolen!

What mincers...


find the easter egg!


I don't see no easter eggy, just a 'tache or three...


not looking hard enough, its a surprise!


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