Today I finished the last of my Christmas shopping...
I've spent about £10-15 per person, which sounds cheap, but when you're buying for two families it all adds up. Plus, it's a lot more fun trying to squeeze in as many presents as you can with the limited budget.
Wrapping them didn't take too long either, though sellotape annoys me at times.
I went into Windsor around 11am to pick up the last few things and soon met a traffic jam heading up the high-street. I initially thought it was Elton John's wedding, though that took place yesterday. Apparently he had a huge marquee the size of an aircraft hanger somewhere in Windsor, though I didn't see it.
The traffic jam turned out to be the changing of the guard, which if I was a resident still, I should have realised.
Speaking of Elton John, I'm glad I missed seeing any of the wedding when travelling back to Windsor yesterday afternoon - not that I'm against gays marrying or anything. But it would have no doubt been over the top, like many mincers.