Dog Poo

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  • Title: Dog Poo
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There I was, me teaching a class about the Internet and what it can do. I was being observed by an external moderator thingy and so I was under a bit of pressure. Everything was fine though...

...until my mind went blank.

I was giving examples of websites and what their urls are made up of (www, domain name etc.). I wrote down ebay and amazon and google, the popular choices. Then a colleague interrupted the lesson - to get her back I asked for an example of a website address - she said!

Luckily I managed to bring the lesson back to speed and wrote up (I think), but I'm sure the observer heard her and I'm certain all the learners did too.

Moral of the story? Don't ask colleagues for suggestions.

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fill her drawer with dog poo!

My colleagues (not sure they are worthy of such a title), are on the whole, complete morons. Its shit jobs places that make you appreciate how smart you really are. I might even get some sense of ambition out of this.


I agree totally - not that my colleagues are thick, but some learners (no, most) are not as smart as others, which definately makes you think you're a genius at times.

We'll probably go to hell for this...


We are already going to hell because of that biker grove incident! The people at my workplace really are just pretty thick.


Oh yeah. Byker Byker Byker Grove Yeeeeeeeah... (uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh)!


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