African Dreams Adventure

  • UserId: 1
  • Title: African Dreams Adventure
  • Url: african-dreams-adventure
  • Summary: African Dreams Adventure
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This Sunday we're off on our 3 week African Dreams adventure, to help restore an orphan day-care centre.

Expect plenty of pictures and copy once we return, but until then, you'll have to twiddle your thumbs, as slickhouse will be quiet for once.

See you all soon!

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3 weeks? holy smokes


hahaha whats all this shiznit?


oh dear spam mans back


im in last two for a jobber, suprising seen as i did some aptitude test and thought i was crap, anyways dude phoned me today to tell me they not decided and they trying to negotiate with budget man to take us both on. needless to say they tell me nxt week the decision.


Well, we have returned - I'll post some detailed information along with some pictures on the site, but in the meantime I need to recover from 36 hours without sleep or a wash!

Oh and I've removed Mr Spams...


One other thing - keep us informed of your job outcome!


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