Apprentice Interview

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  • Title: Apprentice Interview
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Further to my previous posts about the Apprentice - I've received an e-mail back, asking me to attend an interview for the 3rd series.

I didn't think they would, as I presumed my application form was shite, but obviously they're either desperate, or it's an equal opportunities thing...

What should I do random people? Go to the interview - at the risk of being accepted for it, an 8 week all expenses paid holiday, or turn it down?

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  • Video - Television, Films and DVDs
  • Work - Anything work related

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Go for it them how its done.


hahahahahhahah WAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHHAA I hope this is no joke GOGOGOGOGo to it for sure! hahhahahahah awesome You gotta gamble to win


It is no joke!

Though the dates clash with my teaching and holidays, also if you get accepted, you are away for 8 weeks filming at the end of September onwards - with only one phone call a week to friends/family!

On top of that, I reckon work would sack me...


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