April Fools tomorrow

  • UserId: 1
  • Title: April Fools tomorrow
  • Url: april-fools-tomorrow
  • Summary: April Fools tomorrow
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I want as many ideas as possible for an April Fools practical joke(s).

Removing and replacing cupboard doors in different locations has been done. So has unscrewing a fire door from its hinges and standing it in front of the other flats'. We've done the ol' flour and washing up liquid trick. Fireworks are out of season, and we've shot them at windows long enough. I'm all out of paintballs, and I don't have a fire-extinguisher to hand.

So what to do eh?

I have before midday tomorrow to pull something off...

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pull something off? oooer! Ive got a job and it starts tommorow (sat), 21 grand a year + company car. I told the man i knew hulk hogan.


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