Bit-tech CS:Source Server

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  • Title: Bit-tech CS:Source Server
  • Url: bit-tech-cssource-server
  • Summary: Bit-tech CS:Source Server
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One last thing before I head home from work...

Bit-tech had a CS:Source server in the past, funded by several forum members, but they've just invested (in partnership with Intel and Trusted Reviews) in what is being called "The World's Fastest Gaming Server". The CPU is un-announced at the moment, but appears to be a multi (>2) core processor - coupled with 8GB of Memory.

It's going live today at 6pm, but will most likely be full-to-the-brim as many are getting excited at the prospect of it all. I hope to have a go for a bit, as the highest scoring player will win a prize apparently. Not that I'm any good...

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My skills have gone down the shitter too, but i gotta say; WHAT a fooking difference on cs from my old pooter. I can actually use the AWP again (well-ish). I swear cs got worse and worse to run on my old rig as there were more updates. Might give that server a gogogo to.


I swear I'm a lot better on it since upgrading too - nothing special, but a lot better than on my old AthlonXP 2000.


I won the competition. Apparently my prize is the rig they ran the server with.

I got about 10 kills and 5 deaths. I was complete W4nk with all guns but the awp, I gotta stick to 1 first per shooter it throwing me right off.


I didn't do as bad I expected - averaging 2 kills a round...

I would play more today, but I have a massive headache that's meant I have to stay at home for the day.


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