
  • UserId: 1
  • Title: Dilemma
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  • Summary: Dilemma
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I have a bit of a dilemma at the moment...

It's a new year, so I tend to clear out and tidy up things around the house. This year I've realised how many magazines there are laying around - mostly Develop or copies of MCV, but when you've been collecting them since 2000, there's a lot of them.

Do you reckon they're worth anything on ebay? This is gaming nostalgia in a way - I even found a PS2 launch issue magazine. If not, I'll shove the whole lot in the recycling bin, along with old issues of FHM and the likes.

Anyone find themselves spring cleaning at this time of year? Or do you have any new year resolutions?!?

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dont throw them away i will come around and see if there is any toilet reading material


OK, they're sitting in two huge piles by the TV. On a side note, were we meant to go to the gym today? Don't matter innumitit


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