DVD releases

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  • Title: DVD releases
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  • Summary: DVD releases
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Today Borat arrived in the post - straight from amazon.co.uk upon the day of release!

But I'm not here to big-up the biggest online retailer in the world. I'm here to quickly bring to your attention the extremely short period of time between a film leaving our cinema screens and arriving on our TV screens.

I remember when we used to have to wait a good 6-12 months, maybe even longer, to see the latest releases. But, March is full of recent DVD releases, such as Borat, Casino Royale and the likes. The latter of which should be arriving on my doorstep within the next few weeks.

I put it down to piracy, as the distributors want to get the DVDs out there ASAP, in order to prevent people resorting to pirate copies to get their film fixes. I'm all for this, as it means we can enjoy films a lot sooner than ever before.

Tonight, I'll be re-enjoying the adventures of Borat, as he travels through America. Perfect.

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  • Video - Television, Films and DVDs

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i wanna see the extra footage stuff


http://www.adamskii.slickhouse.com/awesome_games/AG.html Another addition to the growing list of html pages I hardly update. I might update this one because I can do when I want and it takes 10 seconds to update and just link to the video.


Good job.

Your blog is asleep, you should re-invigorate it with some new ramblings!


hmm should post page links on the blog instead




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