GTA IV official site launched

  • UserId: 1
  • Title: GTA IV official site launched
  • Url: gta-iv-official-site-launched
  • Summary: GTA IV official site launched
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It's finally here, well almost - the official web site is up and running for GTA IV!

The site instantly smells of Grand Theft Auto, with style elements from all games present throughout the flash-based site.

I can't wait until GTA IV hits the shelves and unfortunately the site itself doesn't provide enough of a fix to keep us GTA-lovers occupied until then, but it's a great start. There already appears to be a lot more involvement with the latest instalment compared to previous games.

Let me know if you're eagerly awaiting Grand Theft Auto IV...

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THose new vids are great, it looks really funny. The animation is looking top notch like i hoped, especially the drunk walk and the man getting run over, he reacts really realistically.


someone found this among the gta4 website files, seems like an unused intro vid. make of it what u will


Odd, it makes you wonder why they hosted it, even though it's not in use.


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