Ice cream... in winter?

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  • Title: Ice cream... in winter?
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Today I had an ice cream... which was nice.

The difference between this ice cream and others though, is that this ice cream was consumed today. Obviously. But today is January 14th, which happens to lie in the season known as winter.

Odd. An ice cream in winter.

But it was a good ice cream, home made (well, so the shop said) and coconut in flavour. Yum.

So do something different for a change, follow my advice, eat an ice cream out of season.

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I had ice cream yesterday.

Who cares if its winter? :o


Aye, i always eat ice cream, mmm ice cream. I eat hot things in the summer, and i eat cold thing in winter. The challenge is to stand outside at night and eat a tub of ice cream naked, rub it on yourself while u eat it. I did that just yesterday...

It was rubbish.


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