Mobile Technology

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Today I decided to upgrade my 18 month old Sony Ericsson K750i mobile, to a more up-to-date K800i. It sports the usual features, including 3G and some other shite I'll never use. But what did interest me most was the 3.2 mega pixel camera - outdoing the measly 2mp affair on the K750i.

However, along with a decent Cybershot camera the phone also features email and RSS! So not only can I take pictures in great detail, but I can also check my email and the various RSS feeds from around the web. Currently I've got the BBC headlines synced to the phone, along with the comments from this very blog and's front page.

So, if anyone replies to this, I'll most likely know about it on my phone first, instead of via an email notification or from me navigating to the site itself.

If you're bored this Christmas holiday, feel free to send my phone an email, using the address - it couldn't get any easier! If I could be arsed, I can set it up to allow me to blog from the phone itself, but I prefer using a full-sized keyboard for these ramblings...

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Hello Mr Phone. This is a comment. How interesting.


I am a Virus that enjoys breaking Sony erection phones.

Rude Olf

How crap and boring is christmas, ill take the summer anyday.


On the plus side apart from spending 23 hours of the day in my bedroom, i am watching a lot of films and gettting my way through the pile of DVD's i have not been bothered to watch for the past year. Next film to watch is some Russian Vampire film called Night Watch.


I'm enjoying myself with free beers and food & I thought Night Watch was a big disappointment.

Rude Olf

Happy Christmas mince meats!


Did you get your 360 Driving Wheeler Madam? Any Good? What are we doing for New Years Matt? Oh and i cant make it to Miss Smiths Birthday bash as i am in work that day and Rach got work the next.


i will have it aye, i not been home yet tho i going tommrowowow, & i cant make her bash either. I feel incredibly sick. I got some dvd boxsets so far so good job. Band of Bummers and Deadwood. Ok i going to pop now.


Either we go out and get pissed, but it'll be expensive, or we stay in and finish off all the booze leftover from Christmas...


Drink all the booze leftovers...then crawl into a club thus saving vast amounts of drinking cash and having best of both worlds. Why wasnt my last post approved? it wasnt exactly dirty or anything?? I was just saying deadwood was this: And here that game vid for lordbyron of armed assault:


my messages are never posted. here is linerider it is top


hmm this one is better


Wa wa wee wah! That is cool. He did the splits on one run, poor little guy...


If you post more than one link per post, it'll think that your post is spam and put it aside for moderation. I found your 'spam' post but the previous one I must have deleted previously, along with the other 100+ spam messages the blog gets per day.


wayo ok spam spam spam


Put up a video of my 360 wheel.


Good editing - and good to see you still wearing your old man slippers in the first few seconds...

Do you like your new wheel then? The force feedback looks pretty cooel.

Santa bought me a Scalextric set, an Impreza Rally Car version, with 2 extra cars - a Renault Formula 1 and Calsonic Skyline, as seen in GT3/4.

I also got Lego Star Wars 2 on the PS2, along with Liberty City stories, which is pretty much GTA3 with a new storyline and Motorbikes = bo. I was addicted to LSW2 for a day or so, but only 25% through.

Your back must hurt from sitting using the wheel with that tiny table?!?


Thats My Socks! does look like slippers tho. Yes I like my wheel, i was complete crap at first but i played online last night and won 5 of 6 races so i was fooking pumped. That tiny table was front room just trying it out and yes my fooking back aches. I thought liberty city stories was psp game? i guess they released on ps2 as was popular.

THats my socks!

I could've sworn your slippers looked like that...

Liberty City stories is available on PS2 now, as Vice City stories is out on PSP soon/now. I'm not sure when it'll arrive on PS2 (or if it will), but it's the best thing they could do, as it pretty much expands on the great games - giving you a new game but in familiar territory. It's cool knowing where most things are as soon as you start.

5 out of 6 is good - but you should be winning 100% with a new wheel - keep practising!


Happy New Years innum My new years resolution is to have a job for a while.

new year monkey

Haha, that's a good one - and fingers crossed, so you end up with one. If you had an income you could make your videos more often, keeping us entertained for longer?!?


yep, no? maybe. yep

new year monkey

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