More Breakdown Woes

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  • Title: More Breakdown Woes
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  • Summary: More Breakdown Woes
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To continue from before - unfortunately the battery wasn't the only problem with the Skyline. Once the battery shorted, it took out another part - known as an Ignition Transistor. Sounds simple enough, but it costs a whopping £492 from Nissan prior to adding the dreaded VAT on top.

Factor in the cost of labour and the costs already incurred and I was looking at over £800 in repair!

Fortunately, the mechanic gave me the part number and the option to try and source the part for myself, albeit cheaper.

First point of call was a local garage that services import Japanese cars. However, they quoted me exactly the same cost for the part - as it's only available from Nissan themselves.

I finally opted for a trawl of the Skyline Owners Club forums hoping to source the part. After a few minutes, I had exchanged several pm's and had the part being sent first class the next morning. Perfect. All for the much more affordable sum of £39.

This morning the Ignition Transistor arrived, so I went home at lunchtime to take it to Nissan. They're fitting it and getting back to me tomorrow - to let me know if everything has been repaired successfully.

So, things are looking a bit brighter, but I've still got my fingers and toes crossed and am constantly touching wood.

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Holy ****! You should have bought the battery from them as well. That's a disgusting price for something that must hardly cost anything. Where is this Nissan garage btw?

My XP is asking for reactivation so I reluctantly phoned the number and got through to some bad phone line in India. Anyway she asked me is this computer the only one with XP to which I replied, "nope I've got it on my old computer" to which she spouts some legalities at me and tells me I must uninstall it off my old computer.

Does Microsoft like to piss of its customers? First there is all this Xbox trouble and now I'm getting beef for my XP copy that I actually DID purchase back in the day and paid a disgusting price for. Anyway I need to work out what windows program actually noticed it needed reactivation and delete/block that piece of shiza. I'm not happy, they are forcing me to lie to them, "yes its uninstalled now....fuckers".


It's in Lincoln. The part costs £492, if you go to a Nissan dealer in Lincoln or London - or a non-Nissan garage - the £39 part is second hand.

The battery cost about £55, as they're small batteries on a Skyline, so have to be specially ordered in, apparently.

The only flipping annoying thing is that they've phoned me this morning and said that the £39 ignition transistor didn't work on my car, but they've swapped it back to the original and nothing is working now. I reckon it wasn't it at all in the first place - and they're just guessing. I'll see what they say when they phone me again, later today.

As for Microsoft - she's right, as Microsoft don't want you installing their Operating Systems on more than 1 PC. Ring her back and say it's just on the one? Or buy an OEM copy of Vista Business (my preferred now) for under £80


I just phoned back and lied that yeah its on 1 pc now. What a waste of time.

Sounds like they are guessing with your car tho aye. Do you think that ebay dude sold it knowing it had dodgy something on it?


No, as it was 10 days later that it went wrong - and apparently it has all stemmed from the battery shorting out - which you can't really tell as it was internal.

But I think Nissan are guessing now, or that they're confused. I've sourced another 3 of the ignition transistors, all of which are <£100, much better than the £492 asking price for a new one.

I'm awaiting their 2nd phone call, to see if they've sorted it or if they definitely know what's up...

Good to hear you've re-activated XP though!


£39 is a case of too good to be true


It was - the part was for an R33 GTS-T, whereas mine's the R32 GTS-T and so they differ slightly. I have sourced an R32 GTS-T part though, which should arrive tomorrow morning - ready to be fitted asap.

It's been over a week since I last drove it - I'm getting withdrawal symptoms!


Doh that suCXXXX!!

But this don't, you F****King beauty i been waiting for this! Thats why I hung around and did nothing and im soooo glad i did now.


Bo! Heard this on the way to work - on the radio.

Howcome you're up so early, posting on me blog?

Oh, and the part has arrived now - so hopefully everything should be back to normal very soon...


I'm always up early!


Prob no one will download this but its a vid of a Mod for HL2 that is in beta stage and was released. Its fooking good i think as well. It's called Insurgency, check it out:


If u like guns:


Now Simon got your job will he have to teach classes like you had too?


I believe so, though he said they're also hiring a few others for part-time work too.


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