More pictures of Skyline

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  • Title: More pictures of Skyline
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  • Summary: More pictures of Skyline
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I've finally got around to using my Flickr account. This afternoon Simon drove their new Corsa to the house and we washed all 3 cars (Corsa, Punto, Skyline) on the drive. Afterwards I took a few pictures of the R32 Skyline using my recently purchased Canon 350D.

You can see my Flickr R32 GTS set or view the sample below:


Unfortunately the Skyline is in a worse state than it was 6 weeks ago - Nissan Lincoln broke the car during the 3 weeks that they had it in their service centre. It went from cutting out after 5 minutes of being on, to not even starting at all. This week I plan to have it taken to a proper garage, not some spanner monkeys who simply don't have a clue...

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I want a new camera.


The demo of Bioshock was released yesterday and when i played it I was pretty much blown away. The demo was stunning. Download it now, (xbox dashboard had a recent update so that you can now download when the xbox is switched off if you wanted). The game has some of the best presentation I have witnessed for a game. For those who don't have a 360 you can look at this i suppose but it wont give you an experience anything like playing it in the dark did.


Oooer I got that job I went for in the end. :s


Bo bo bo! When do you start? And what job is it exactly? Si just said you'd be a trainee developer or something at a software company? Nice one!


wayo you can come visit more often and come sking in january now

lord byron

And maybe have a ride in the Skyline (most likely July 2009)!


Software Developer Traineeee LOLz making some likely dull software with some weirdo programming language called Role Playing Game. I mean IBM RPG. I think its from the 70's or something not sure yet.

I'm gonna be like Paul Reeve. I start a week Tuesday I think, well they said a week Monday but that's a bank holiday so it's not gonna be then. Around 2 years of training apparently haha oh boy.


Whoop! We have all got sorted now and all working in IT. I could'nt of imagined this 2 years ago. Ill book the skiing holiday now then. You will have to grow that tash a little longer to be like fintchy.


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