New Star Wars MMORPG

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  • Title: New Star Wars MMORPG
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  • Summary: New Star Wars MMORPG
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Great news! The developers behind KOTOR I and II are currently working on a new MMORPG, based on the KOTOR universe - Star Wars!

To say I'm looking forward to it would be an understatement. The article mentions Star Wars Galaxies, which proved to be popular in the first year or so, until a major update in 2005 (aka, Combat Upgrade). Now the game is estimated to have less than 20,000 active players. I remember Adamskii, Percy and I abandoning SWG just prior to the Publish 13 (if my memory serves me right) release.

The fact that Bioware are picking up the pieces and basing it on the KOTOR time frame, rather than that of the 2 trilogies is great. I look forward to what they'll have to offer.

One last question - Adamskii, will you be signing up for the beta?

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Either this is great news, or terrible news... I can't decide.


I've decided its both.


It is both, but I'm hoping it'll be more of the former, rather than latter.

If they wanted it to be successful, then they'd make the MMO an RPG, based on the same time-frame as KOTOR; which would be available for both PC and consoles - allowing both parties to interact. It could be huge if they had the power of XBOX Live behind it, along with some WoW players and SWG veterans who are tiring of their current game.


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