Original Source

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  • Title: Original Source
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Original Source is the brand of fantastic shower gels, shampoos and conditioners - available from most supermarkets.

Being a bloke, I don't know the difference between shampoo and conditioner. Being a human being I don't know where the name shampoo came from, but I wont think about it too much. So I opt for the shower gel, and always Mint and Tea Tree flavour. I say flavour, as you could eat it if you wanted, in which case, it would have a flavour.

We went to Tesco (or is it Tescos?) on Friday evening, and I spotted a new 'flavour' of original source there... Almond and Coconut!

So I picked up a bottle of it, along with the usual - Mint and Tea Tree.

And I don't regret my choice, as I now smell like a bakewell tart everytime I have a shower. Which backs up my flavour theory.

If you've not tried original source, then head on over to the official website, where you can order a free sample. And no, I wasn't paid to pimp my brand, but I should have been.

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You TART! Did simon get your cherry?

Ok now i put a link on ma website for ign.com and for some batty reason it just puts ign.com on the end of my page address. I can see no reason why this is as i never had any beef before. Thankyoumuch.


Took me a minute or two, to prove my theory - but you need to have http:// prior to the www.ign.com link. Check the code line:

< a href="www.ign.com" >IGN.< /a >

change it to:

< a href="http://www.ign.com" >IGN.< /a >

et voila!


ahhh i forgot, thankyou much!


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