Plymouth Fireworks

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  • Title: Plymouth Fireworks
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Driving to work this morning, I heard on Radio 1's News Beat, that there is a scientist in Plymouth who will be setting a new world record this evenining (at the Plymouth Waterfront) for the most amount of fireworks to be set off in one sitting - 55,000 or there abouts, apparently.

I did a quick google search and came up with this and this.

Interesting. Though no mention of a world record being beaten...

Hopefully our Plymouth Correspondant, Adamskii, will be able to shed some light on this news story.

One thing - the first link mentions 10,000 people standing around the Plymouth 'Hoe'. She must be a 'Ho if she has 10k men standing around her...

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every year they have firework competition down here its kinda good because its free and its at a time of the year where there is no reason for it. Its good when it goes wrong too because a few years ago they set a nearby hill on fire which i thought was genius. Its also funny to watch whatever team goes 1st because they usually have to do their show when its not gotten that dark, and so thousands of pounds of fireworks is blown up and you barely see it. brilliant. its always a good event to get drunk and go sit on a hoe getting roudy and start shouting at bays, its good to see the city scumbags all collecting in one place. Hopefully they target this area and fire a big barrel of gunpowder at them. not so they die, just so they are left limbless. It usually rains too... Ive missed it this year because im away, tho i heard a quick something about that world record attempt on the local news. if i find out anything interesting ill post. unlikely tho.


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