
  • UserId: 1
  • Title: Quotage
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I need some more quotes, as my brain is dead today, so I'm brain-dead.

Looking at the quote archive, it seems that film quotes are the norm.

Give me a quote and I'll put it up, as I don't think I've watched any films this week!

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  • Slickhouse - Anything to do with slickhouse.com in particular

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Not a quote. More a question/query ooo minthhh Ok what did u build this site with? is it a dynamic webpage or something? Im assuming that as u add text etc the webpage automatically adjusts and gets longer, that kind of thing.

The footer is a tiny bit offlined btw, was it always like this?


WordPress, see the link in the footer.

It requires a web-server with MySQL and PHP capabilities, and you'll find almost all other content-management scripts/engines etc. require them too.

WordPress is pretty simple to setup, it just requires creating a new database and user, then uploading and editing a few files.

When you say offlined, do you mean offset? I noticed that when I first uploaded the latest version of WordPress for another install, but it rectified soon after. This blog's footer isn't offset for me at the moment - take a screenshot and e-mail me it if you can?


ok i emailing... ill read about this webthingi thanks. Also ive deleted my xbox review, u can all cry now. i needed the webspace. im making this website *trying* so u can see wha i think of demos b4 u download, as u know im gonna be trying them anyways. Design wise its gone for white boyracer stylee until i get some design skills and redoo em.


i mentioned the xbox site because u might wanna alter that link u got


erm i spose a link would help :s http://www.colin77.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/demozone.html


"Why in the middle of the page" I noticed on your review site - you need to select that text, then in dreamweaver choose "Vert - Top" in the properties box below. I'll upload a pic in a sec to explain it better...

dreamweaver ^ There you go. Select the text that's in the middle of the page, and do the above. It's to do with your text alignment within table cells...


YAY! lovely job! Here is your prize, check out his eye at the end lol www.sublimedirectory.com/basement/media/kimbo.wmv


Just looked up my server capabilities, seems ill have to upgrade to the 100mb if i want PHP and all that doodoo for the wordpress. shite. Means all this web stuff would cost £4 a month, outrage! I guess ill stick to the free hosting for now, only got 10mb free space left :(


That video looks like Mr. T fighting in his boxers! Woo! Watched a bit, but not enough time at work - will see the full job soon.

You could do something similar to a blog, but completely in Dreamweaver. It would be a lot of hassle to blog, and wouldn't allow for comments etc. but it's possible. Would be static as a gippo caravan though...


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