Screen Wash Brake Fluid

  • UserId: 1
  • Title: Screen Wash Brake Fluid
  • Url: screen-wash-brake-fluid
  • Summary: Mistakes happen and we learn from them!
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So there I was, in a rush to get to work... my screen wash fluid had run out about a week ago, so I decided to fill it up.

Bear in mind I've just recently passed my driving test (September 2005), and I knew the location of the various caps under my instructor's Corsa bonnet.

A few moments after pouring the new screen wash fluid into the cap, I realised I had been pouring it into the brake fluid reservoir.

So, my brake fluid is now contaminated with screen wash fluid. My own fault I know, but hopefully I'll resolve it...

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Screen Wash + Brake Fluid = Funny + Possible Death


why admit to that? should have read the car manual. honestly and girls get so much stick for not being able to change wheels!


I presumed they were in the same location as my instructor's car... stupid I know.


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