Weird habits

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  • Title: Weird habits
  • Url: weird-habits
  • Summary: Weird habits
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Do you have any weird habits? Something out of the ordinary, that is unique to yourself? Let me know, as I'm intrigued!

I'll start this off by saying that I sniff a glass before pouring out a drink. I don't know what I'm smelling for and I never put the glass back in the cupboard, but it's a weird habit I've had for a good few years now.

Now over to you...

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I blow into the glass first (I think to get dust out). Don't worry I wont blow if it isn't a drink for me.


No i sniff glasses, cos when i lived at home my mum was shit at washing up so they always were a bit skanky, so had to check they were ok before use. Simon will go on to say here that I have learnt my mothers bad habits, when in actual fact me and my mother are crafty buggers.

Do a shit job = No one will ask you to do it again. Simple


I think we're all weirdos then. I thought I was the only one with a glass habit, but I don't feel alone any longer. No idea why I sniff in them, but I'm liking your excuse Rachel - and I hate dirty glasses.


I piss all over.


You do! Do you think you'll be pissing this Friday evening/Saturday morning?


I hope not as i have installed a piss bag. Straps on the inner thigh and the other bit to my red ender.


Yeah come around to mine. Not sure of the details but i might go to a castle pub for a couple on the way into town.


Sounds like a good plan.


Does he sleep naked? as you have a link on your blog.


She can tell when I pick my nose, even if she's not looking at me.

I don't sleep naked, but I thought the site was funny, but I didn't think anyone even looked at those links anyway...


Bah I wanna come to the party :(


Hmm I have to say that I have lived with nearly all of you at some point or have at least seen you pouring drinks and I must say I have never noticed any sniffing/blowing going on. I feel like I'm the weirdo because I don't do either of these things. Erm I can't think of my weird habits off the top of my head - but I'm sure everyone else can think of a few!

Bored of typing about business and law lessons

To bring my computer or not. That is THE question.

adamskii with shit in pants

Bring it you employed person you.


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